Tuesday, 19 April 2011

mmmm so where have u been ?

ORIGNAL POST TO EASY JOURNAL Posted on 19.2.2006 at 5:38 PM ..
[ here to give rationale for this blog
and new readers of fuse .... if there are any lol]

music : Das Klangwerk : Kiss my Ass : Techno

... yes indeed where have I been? ... ok >

I worked from August 2005 until Xmas Eve De 2005 without a break and then discovered I am victim of mortgage endowment policy scam .. ~ and was in danger of losing my house and everything ***

right now all bankers , estate agents , lawyers and insurance twats .. ..with their, " give us the money and we'll make it pay for you", are ripe for being sent ot Iraq with placards saying something rude about Islam" in my book.

bunch of shifty crminals all of them, ...


my dedication to academic work .. had essentially pushed me into total ill-health and the eventual need to be paramedic'ed to Fazackelry hospital with the "Mother of all Nose bleeds"

oh yes .... I watched my 4 star unleaded fuel "pouring" into a cardboard sick bowl for 2 days.. before they finally operated and "cliped the vessel" and staunched the flow...

that , after they had stuffed both nostrils with various packings of gause and lint in depaerate attempts to stop the bleeding.... and removed them, and then stuffed them again... however >

The NHS were superb. I had nothing but top class attention and a lot of very good support specially in the darkest hours of the night when It looked like nothing was ever going to stop the bleeding ...

Post-op, they observed I looked like a vampire with malnutrition and put 2 units of the red stuff back.... and gradually, together with a diet of iron tablets plus learning to "Wok-cook" and micro-wave a decent diet, I have begun to grow "PINK " again lol

~ with mascara eye liner I could have been quite Gothic for a week :)
{ mmmmm bout 40 years too late for fun and games though lol}

NOW some 3 weeks post-op am well on the road to recovery and yes I mean some sort of "fitness" though I have lost some weight, am within the range appropriate to height ratio and the haemoglobin (sic?) is beginning to establish a precenence....

It has become clear that some of my recent afflictions are also related to this condition and "spunky" is very pleased to say that things in his department are well back to normal .. already :)

So now I have to concentrate on looking after me... with proper food, proper sleep and attendent recreation. thus WITHOUT guilt, I watched Liverpool and Newcastle claim their progress in the Cup yesterday .. believe me I have NEVER wacthed 2 games of football in one day* ~ well not unless you include the days of running a school football XI when I was a slave to the english education system in school as a teacher..

*Now cricket...well that's a different story ...

**** ok I sorted the money , rescued the house and the new black 1.4 Megan sport with sunroof and fat tyres from the grips of the capitalist swindling thugs... and live to fight another day ...

Megan is poorly at the moment and need of re-body.. my recent trip to Norfolk resulted in an RTA at Brampton interchange where a guy contrived to ram the near front side of the vehicle. Insurance are dealing with that, so no sweat there... though I do wonder if they have heard of lighting in that neck of the woods .. 2-lane A roads pretending to be Motorways... but then I am spoilt living in the neon glow of the urban steppes that span Liverpool to Manchester and the NW...

Soon to be in Barcelona for a few days and revisit the scene of my former triumphs ..

meanwhile check this out

:: Dressed to Undress ~ Mothership ~ :D)


you can download the mp3 ... its good :)

fuse xxxxx