busy Thursday market day and the town is heaving with stalls, students and sundry folk ...cloudy but not cold.
This week so far have blood tested and GP'd for a check up and received my 6 month quota of medication .. so I don't have to worry on that score bar a visit to the ENT specialist in May .. and to be fair, no problems there as yet though it took over a month fror the bloody things to dry out and stop itching.
To the Green Room at lunch, for coffee with Geoff where we discussed life in general and me in particular .. I'm naughty like that...
But we did spend a lot of time looking at iMovie and discussing its merits. It has come a long way from the version I had on my old iBookg4 with a 12" screen. As ever fabulous improvements but some of the nice tricks of the older version have gone which is a pity.
Also explained how Twitter can take over your life ... farlr enough i have been very good i the last week or so and restrained my self from obsessively ' tweeting" all day. SO latterly I jave been working in GBand and iMovie to prodcue flim of the great Nice - Barcelona visits 2008/2009 and inlucidng epxerieinces from 1983 visit to barcelona.... my Grand Tour(s) :D)
Image from sketch book some of the stuff I have been using in iMovie : movie to come when post "producted" :D) I will post a link here, at Twitter and FB.